Disaster Ready

Disaster Ready

The climate is changing. Extreme fires, floods, droughts and storms are happening more often, and more animals need rescuing. Help your viewers prepare for these inevitable events by protecting their family pets and the natural wildlife in the event that a natural disaster occurs in your community.

In IFAW’s PSA, Disaster Ready, IFAW shows the importance of giving a helping hand to the animals in our communities and world-wide.

You and your audience play a huge role in the protection of these animals. The more disaster ready we are, the more animals will survive. Air Disaster Ready by IFAW today.

  • Disaster Ready

    Disaster Ready

  • Rescue and Release

    Rescue and Release

Disaster Ready

In the heat of hurricane season, now is the time to plan for the earth’s most destructive disasters. Help your viewers prepare for these inevitable events by protecting their family pets and the natural wildlife in the event that a natural disaster occurs in your community.

To order outdoor PSA materials, email mediaservice@psadirect.com. Include your contact information, location and type of outdoor collateral you are interested in.


The International Fund for Animal Welfare is a global non-profit helping animals and people thrive together. We are experts and everyday people, working across seas, oceans, and in more than 40 countries around the world. We rescue, rehabilitate, and release animals, and we restore and protect their natural habitats.

As disasters around the world increase in intensity and frequency, IFAW’s Disaster Response & Risk Reduction team is busy working to save animal lives, mitigate impact, assist vulnerable communities, and provide resilience-building resources. With an emphasis on preparedness, our work starts before disaster strikes.


For questions, please contact mediaservice@psadirect.com.

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